"Pirates of the Caribbean"

They discovered that the ship had terrible curse: they are ghosts at night and in the day they are normal men.
I like this movie because it was adventure, comedy and Jack Sparrow was funny.
I admired Jack because he was a good pirate and very funny guy.
A pirate called Jack Sparrow had his ship robbed by bad pirates. They also kidnapped the government’s daughter. Jack Sparrow and a friend of the girl decided to rescue her.

They discovered that the ship had terrible curse: they are ghosts at night and in the day they are normal men.
After a lot of adventures, they rescued the girl and got the ship and the bad pirates were dead.
I like this movie because it was adventure, comedy and Jack Sparrow was funny.
I admired Jack because he was a good pirate and very funny guy.
Project from
Isabella Mitaini Fioravanti
Teens 3
Teacher Fernanda M.
Centro Britânico
Colégio Santa Marcelina
São Paulo - Brazil
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